A strong skeleton is the key to a long and, most importantly, active life. But osteoporosis can become an obstacle to active longevity and a high quality of life.

Every 20 seconds, an osteoporotic fracture occurs in the world . Bone loss in men and women progresses with age and increases after 50 years. To a greater extent, this problem affects postmenopausal women: one in three suffers from osteoporosis. In addition to hormonal disorders, the cause of this disease can be a hereditary predisposition to fractures, insufficient calcium intake and vitamin D deficiency, prolonged use of certain drugs ( glucocorticosteroids , anticonvulsants, thyroid drugs).

The main causes of osteoporosis:

  •                       Genetic (hereditary predisposition);
  •                       Hormonal (late onset of menstruation, amenorrhea, infertility, early menopause);
  •                       Nutritional features (insufficient calcium intake, vitamin D deficiency);
  •                       Smoking, alcoholism, low physical activity;
  •                       Long-term use of certain drugs ( glucocorticoids , anticoagulants, anticonvulsants, thyroid drugs).

Healthy bone. Bone is a solid connective tissue composed of cells (osteoblasts and osteoclasts) and an intercellular substance formed by calcium and phosphorus salts . Adequate intake of minerals ensures bone strength.

Osteopenia . A condition in which bone loses minerals and, consequently, bone mass decreases. In this case, the risk of fractures increases even with weak external exposure.

Osteoporosis. Loss of bone mass leads to the destruction of bone tissue and the occurrence of multiple osteoporotic fractures.

Severe osteoporosis. There is a significant depletion of bone tissue with calcium and phosphorus salts, as well as a decrease in the strength characteristics of bone tissue.

CITILAB recalls: uncontrolled intake of calcium preparations without a doctor’s prescription is not recommended. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to conduct a series of laboratory tests to confirm the diagnosis of osteoporosis, to assess the state of mineral metabolism and bone metabolism in order to select adequate pharmacotherapeutic support.


Redness, itching of the skin in the autumn period often appear due to changes in weather conditions, frequent “colds” associated with taking a large number of drugs, increased psycho-emotional stress at work or school.

To reduce the severity of symptoms, follow simple rules.

1. Wear loose cotton clothing, discard wool, linen, and synthetics.

2. Follow a hypoallergenic diet. Do not smoke, exclude the use of alcohol, fast food .

3. Watch out for indoor humidity — it should be at least 60%.

4. Avoid active physical exertion – irritation may occur when sweat and tissue come in contact.

5. Instead of a bath, take a shower (10-15 minutes) – the optimum water temperature is 35-36 ° C.

Why do I need regular screening?

The main role in the development of atopic reactions is played by IgE antibodies . Sensitivity to allergens can change throughout life. Regular screening keeps the disease under control and helps:

  • timely identification of raising sensitization to allergens and identify new allergokomponenty ;
  • to increase the effectiveness of the treatment plan – to optimize basic anti-inflammatory therapy;
  • reduce the strength and number of relapses, as over time, symptoms may increase.
local_offerevent_note July 6, 2020

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