Human health, its performance depends largely on the ubiquitous “regulators of life” – hormones. The elucidation of the role of these substances in the vital activity of the body, begun only a few decades ago,
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Glandular endometrial hyperplasia
Recurrent glandular hyperplasia of the endometrium can cause abnormal uterine bleeding during all periods of the reproductive cycle of the female body. Juvenile uterine bleeding in adolescence, hemorrhage in menopause, as well as in perimenopause
Recurrent glandular hyperplasia of the endometrium can cause abnormal uterine bleeding during all periods of the reproductive cycle of the female body. Juvenile uterine bleeding in adolescence, hemorrhage in menopause, as well as in perimenopause
Preparativi per “salute maschile”: una compressa è sufficiente?
Non è consuetudine parlare del problema della violazione della potenza ad alta voce e ad alta voce. Tuttavia, ogni decimo uomo al mondo la affronta. E non necessariamente in età matura o anziana – “malfunzionamenti”
Non è consuetudine parlare del problema della violazione della potenza ad alta voce e ad alta voce. Tuttavia, ogni decimo uomo al mondo la affronta. E non necessariamente in età matura o anziana – “malfunzionamenti”
Thyroid gland – check it!
Recently, we hear a lot from doctors and the media that it is necessary to check the thyroid gland, that it must be done regularly and almost universally. But it’s not always normal for a
Recently, we hear a lot from doctors and the media that it is necessary to check the thyroid gland, that it must be done regularly and almost universally. But it’s not always normal for a
Scientists have found genes that protect against diseases of the immune system
Scientists from the Endocrinology Research Center of the Ministry of Health of Russia (NMI of endocrinology) investigated the genetic predisposition of Russians to the development of severe autoimmune diseases affecting the endocrine glands (organs that
Scientists from the Endocrinology Research Center of the Ministry of Health of Russia (NMI of endocrinology) investigated the genetic predisposition of Russians to the development of severe autoimmune diseases affecting the endocrine glands (organs that
Is there a link between menopause and low thyroid activity?
The thyroid gland is a small, butterfly-shaped gland that is located at the level of the second and third ring of the trachea. Hormones produced by the thyroid gland affect almost all tissues and organs
The thyroid gland is a small, butterfly-shaped gland that is located at the level of the second and third ring of the trachea. Hormones produced by the thyroid gland affect almost all tissues and organs
Treatment with Nodal Non-toxic goiter
The choice of therapeutic tactics for nodal nontoxic goiter, despite the apparent simplicity, is one of the most complex and controversial issues. Many clinicians insist on mandatory surgical treatment of all, at least single, nodular
The choice of therapeutic tactics for nodal nontoxic goiter, despite the apparent simplicity, is one of the most complex and controversial issues. Many clinicians insist on mandatory surgical treatment of all, at least single, nodular
Meldonium – pharmacological properties of the drug, use in sports and medicine
Meldonium in sport is one of the most discussed topics in the world and domestic media. This drug, once included in the list of substances allowed for athletes, is officially recognized as doping by the
Meldonium in sport is one of the most discussed topics in the world and domestic media. This drug, once included in the list of substances allowed for athletes, is officially recognized as doping by the
How an increase in the thyroid affects the sex drive
Diseases of the thyroid gland lead to the fact that metabolic processes are violated in the human body, failures occur in the work of the CCC and the nervous system. The increase in thyroid cancer
Diseases of the thyroid gland lead to the fact that metabolic processes are violated in the human body, failures occur in the work of the CCC and the nervous system. The increase in thyroid cancer
Breast Cancer and Thyroid Disease: Is there a connection?
According to the results of a new clinical study, a high concentration in the body of thyroid hormones increases the risk of developing malignant breast growth in female representatives. It has long been known that
According to the results of a new clinical study, a high concentration in the body of thyroid hormones increases the risk of developing malignant breast growth in female representatives. It has long been known that