Ears, Nipples, Nose: Everything You Need to Know About Body Piercings 

Ears, Nipples, Nose: Everything You Need to Know About Body Piercings PIERCING AS A WAY OF SELF-EXPRESSION or a symbol of social status has existed as long as, for example, a tattoo and other body modifications. And although any


Ears, Nipples, Nose: Everything You Need to Know About Body Piercings PIERCING AS A WAY OF SELF-EXPRESSION or a symbol of social status has existed as long as, for example, a tattoo and other body modifications. And although any

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Checklist: 7 things to wait for a person who has given up alcohol

Joining the movement towards conscious consumption of alcohol , or sober curious, is both very interesting and very scary. Perhaps we will sleep better and be able to give up foundation – or maybe we will find out that part


Joining the movement towards conscious consumption of alcohol , or sober curious, is both very interesting and very scary. Perhaps we will sleep better and be able to give up foundation – or maybe we will find out that part

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Fake medicine: Why you shouldn’t drink dietary supplements 

The temptation to IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH by buying a bottle of multivitamins or biologically active additives (dietary supplements) in a pharmacy, store or online, arises easily – especially when it seems that these funds will definitely


The temptation to IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH by buying a bottle of multivitamins or biologically active additives (dietary supplements) in a pharmacy, store or online, arises easily – especially when it seems that these funds will definitely

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Itching eats away at the body from the inside: I live with atopic dermatitis 

ATOPIC DERMATITIS is a chronic inflammatory skin disease that itches, cracks, crusts or rashes, and becomes hypersensitive to irritants. In most cases, it occurs in children under seven years of age. In about half of those who experienced atopic dermatitis in childhood, symptoms will continue into adulthood – but in a less


ATOPIC DERMATITIS is a chronic inflammatory skin disease that itches, cracks, crusts or rashes, and becomes hypersensitive to irritants. In most cases, it occurs in children under seven years of age. In about half of those who experienced atopic dermatitis in childhood, symptoms will continue into adulthood – but in a less

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I can’t see with my right eye and did a bunch of operations, but it didn’t help 

WHAT I CAN’T SEE WITH ONE EYE was discovered quite late – in the second or third grade. But actually, I was born that way. A couple of years ago, I got carried away with genealogy and found


WHAT I CAN’T SEE WITH ONE EYE was discovered quite late – in the second or third grade. But actually, I was born that way. A couple of years ago, I got carried away with genealogy and found

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“Do I have a heart?”: I had a transplant

EVERY YEAR IN RUSSIA, HEART TRANSPLANTATION is expected by more than one and a half thousand people, but, for example, in 2018 only 287 people did it. Ludmila Pimenov not wait for a heart transplant in Russia and moved to India, where she and underwent surgery. She shared her story with us.     


EVERY YEAR IN RUSSIA, HEART TRANSPLANTATION is expected by more than one and a half thousand people, but, for example, in 2018 only 287 people did it. Ludmila Pimenov not wait for a heart transplant in Russia and moved to India, where she and underwent surgery. She shared her story with us.     

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