Hypothyroidism – insufficient formation of thyroid hormones

Hypothyroidism is the most common thyroid dysfunction. In most countries, particularly in Russia, hypothyroidism is due to iodine deficiency. The prevalence of hypothyroidism in the world is 5%. The inability of the thyroid gland to produce enough hormones (T4


Hypothyroidism is the most common thyroid dysfunction. In most countries, particularly in Russia, hypothyroidism is due to iodine deficiency. The prevalence of hypothyroidism in the world is 5%. The inability of the thyroid gland to produce enough hormones (T4

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Cretinism – a disease ha characterizes congenital Nedo sufficiency of the thyroid gland , or hypothyroidism athyreosis , retarded growth and mental development, a kind of myxedema swelling. Etiology. The etiology is often caused um brionalnym malformation of the thyroid gland (TG), congenital enzymatic synthesis deficiency of thyroid hormones, congenital goiter on the


Cretinism – a disease ha characterizes congenital Nedo sufficiency of the thyroid gland , or hypothyroidism athyreosis , retarded growth and mental development, a kind of myxedema swelling. Etiology. The etiology is often caused um brionalnym malformation of the thyroid gland (TG), congenital enzymatic synthesis deficiency of thyroid hormones, congenital goiter on the

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Thyroid adenoma SAME LEZY (Nodular goiter)

ADENOMA THYROID SAME LEZY (nodular goiter) is camping benign tumors of the thyroid. The etiology is not entirely clear. Previous believed that the beginnings of an adenoma of the thyroid gland for imposes in the embryonic zhiz no or early childhood and increase vayutsya under conditions blagopriyatst vuyuschih their development. Factors for


ADENOMA THYROID SAME LEZY (nodular goiter) is camping benign tumors of the thyroid. The etiology is not entirely clear. Previous believed that the beginnings of an adenoma of the thyroid gland for imposes in the embryonic zhiz no or early childhood and increase vayutsya under conditions blagopriyatst vuyuschih their development. Factors for

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Gipokortitsizm – insufficient accuracy of the adrenal cortex. Would Vaeth primary damage over pochechnikov secondary and from insufficient precision of ACTH secretion by the pituitary gland (adrenocorticotropic hormone). Primary gipokortitsizm may be acute (adrenal apoplexy) and chronic ( Addison bo Leznov). In addition, there may be a latent, erased form of hypocorticism not always recognized due to


Gipokortitsizm – insufficient accuracy of the adrenal cortex. Would Vaeth primary damage over pochechnikov secondary and from insufficient precision of ACTH secretion by the pituitary gland (adrenocorticotropic hormone). Primary gipokortitsizm may be acute (adrenal apoplexy) and chronic ( Addison bo Leznov). In addition, there may be a latent, erased form of hypocorticism not always recognized due to

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Cushing – any cha -particle or mixed increasing function of the adrenal cortex. Hypercorticism can be primary and secondary.                Primary hypercortisolism in the majority of cases, s occurs on the basis corticosteroma and rarely adrenal hyperplasia.                Secondary hypercortisolism arises because of Vyshen hypothalamus AKTG- RF isolation with subsequent higher Niemi ACTH secretion. In


Cushing – any cha -particle or mixed increasing function of the adrenal cortex. Hypercorticism can be primary and secondary.                Primary hypercortisolism in the majority of cases, s occurs on the basis corticosteroma and rarely adrenal hyperplasia.                Secondary hypercortisolism arises because of Vyshen hypothalamus AKTG- RF isolation with subsequent higher Niemi ACTH secretion. In

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HYPOPARATHYROIDISM – complete or partial insufficiency of the parathyroid glands of various nature. Etiology .                In the recent past cause hypoparathyroidism often it has been the case Noe removal of parathyroid same climb at subtotal thyroidectomy .                Less commonly, hypoparathyroidism develops due to thyroiditis and paratireoiditov with by following atrophy of the parathyroid


HYPOPARATHYROIDISM – complete or partial insufficiency of the parathyroid glands of various nature. Etiology .                In the recent past cause hypoparathyroidism often it has been the case Noe removal of parathyroid same climb at subtotal thyroidectomy .                Less commonly, hypoparathyroidism develops due to thyroiditis and paratireoiditov with by following atrophy of the parathyroid

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CYSTIC FIBROSIS (G. Laksiteyner , 1905, Germany, G. Fanconi , 1936, America) -zabolevanie ha acterized universal time to zheniem exocrine glands. Because of congenital enzyme tive failure (number and Drew GIH obscure reasons) exocrine glands secret becomes larvae fifth, viscous, hardly stands out, causing the blockage of small ducts. This causes Fibrocystic rebirth parenhi we glands


CYSTIC FIBROSIS (G. Laksiteyner , 1905, Germany, G. Fanconi , 1936, America) -zabolevanie ha acterized universal time to zheniem exocrine glands. Because of congenital enzyme tive failure (number and Drew GIH obscure reasons) exocrine glands secret becomes larvae fifth, viscous, hardly stands out, causing the blockage of small ducts. This causes Fibrocystic rebirth parenhi we glands

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Hypogonadism MEN – it untill sufficiency or lack of reproductive organs in men, particularly the testicles. There are two main odds we hypogonadal male (GM):                primary                secondary Primary cases are those when the pathological process is concentrated in the testicles themselves. Secondary – when


Hypogonadism MEN – it untill sufficiency or lack of reproductive organs in men, particularly the testicles. There are two main odds we hypogonadal male (GM):                primary                secondary Primary cases are those when the pathological process is concentrated in the testicles themselves. Secondary – when

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Hypogonadism WOMEN (GJ) – expressed frigidity, weak development or underdevelopment of lactic GOVERNMENTAL glands, genitals, ACS nym body hair , often amenorrhea, gipomenoreey , infertility, Infante uterus ism. With moderate hypercorticism, along with menstruation and reproductive function, libido is not only preserved, but can also be significantly


Hypogonadism WOMEN (GJ) – expressed frigidity, weak development or underdevelopment of lactic GOVERNMENTAL glands, genitals, ACS nym body hair , often amenorrhea, gipomenoreey , infertility, Infante uterus ism. With moderate hypercorticism, along with menstruation and reproductive function, libido is not only preserved, but can also be significantly

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