Hyperinsulinism (organic or functional)

Hyperinsulinism (organic or functional) leads to an increase in glycogen fixation in the liver and muscles. As a result, an insufficient amount of glucose enters the blood. Insufficient supply of brain carbohydrates (Normally, about 20%


Hyperinsulinism (organic or functional) leads to an increase in glycogen fixation in the liver and muscles. As a result, an insufficient amount of glucose enters the blood. Insufficient supply of brain carbohydrates (Normally, about 20%

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The adrenal glands are a paired vital internal secretion organ. They are located above the upper poles of the kidneys at the level between the I lumbar and XI thoracic vertebra. The right adrenal gland


The adrenal glands are a paired vital internal secretion organ. They are located above the upper poles of the kidneys at the level between the I lumbar and XI thoracic vertebra. The right adrenal gland

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Addison disease can also be genetic

Addison’s disease can also be genetically determined. With the familial nature of the disease, it is believed that the inheritance of the Addison recessive type. During genesis, antibodies can be not only to the adrenal


Addison’s disease can also be genetically determined. With the familial nature of the disease, it is believed that the inheritance of the Addison recessive type. During genesis, antibodies can be not only to the adrenal

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Addisonic crisis

Addisonic crisis develops more often gradually, less often – sharply (within a few hours). With the gradual development of an addisonic crisis, the symptoms of the disease increase over several days or even weeks. Gradually,


Addisonic crisis develops more often gradually, less often – sharply (within a few hours). With the gradual development of an addisonic crisis, the symptoms of the disease increase over several days or even weeks. Gradually,

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Robinson Power Kepler water test

The Robinson Power Kepler water test is based on the retention of water in patients with Addison’s disease with increased elimination of chlorides and the relative retention of urea. The test begins at 18 h,


The Robinson Power Kepler water test is based on the retention of water in patients with Addison’s disease with increased elimination of chlorides and the relative retention of urea. The test begins at 18 h,

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Difference from Addison’s Disease for Pellagra

In contrast to Addison’s disease, a triad is characteristic of pellagra: dermatitis, previous pigmentation, acquired dementia (dementia), and diarrhea. When pellagra pigmentation is observed only on the open parts of the body (hands, face, neck).


In contrast to Addison’s disease, a triad is characteristic of pellagra: dermatitis, previous pigmentation, acquired dementia (dementia), and diarrhea. When pellagra pigmentation is observed only on the open parts of the body (hands, face, neck).

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In case of addison disease of moderate and severe form

In moderate to severe addison’s disease, hormone replacement therapy with gluco- and mineralo is prescribed. corticoids. The dose and type of drug are selected individually. Cortisone or hydrocortisone is administered intramuscularly at a dose of


In moderate to severe addison’s disease, hormone replacement therapy with gluco- and mineralo is prescribed. corticoids. The dose and type of drug are selected individually. Cortisone or hydrocortisone is administered intramuscularly at a dose of

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