Secrets of Thyroid Treatment in Old Times: Folk Methods and Herbal Recipes

The thyroid gland is an important organ of the endocrine system, responsible for the regulation of metabolism and general health of the body. In the olden days, when medicine was still in its developmental stage, people resorted to various folk methods and herbal recipes to treat thyroid disorders. Let’s look into the past and consider what remedies were used to maintain the health of this important organ.

Utilization of iodine from sea salt:

In many regions where access to sea salt was easy, people used it as a source of iodine needed for proper thyroid function. This method was popular in areas where iodine was lacking in regular food.

Herbs and plants:

Folk healers often turned to herbs and plants to strengthen the thyroid gland. For example, the seaweed noble corn is high in iodine and was used to support the thyroid gland. Herbs such as nettle, yarrow and sage could also be found in recipes.

Meditation and yoga:

In the olden days, people realized the link between stress and endocrine disorders. Meditation, yoga and other relaxation practices were often used to reduce stress and maintain overall body balance.

Utilization of iodine from sea salt:

In many regions where access to sea salt was easy, people used it as a source of iodine needed for proper thyroid function. This method was popular in areas where iodine was lacking in regular food.

Herbs and plants:

Folk healers often turned to herbs and plants to strengthen the thyroid gland. For example, the seaweed noble corn is high in iodine and was used to support the thyroid gland. Herbs such as nettle, yarrow and sage could also be found in recipes.

Meditation and yoga:

In the olden days, people realized the link between stress and endocrine disorders. Meditation, yoga and other relaxation practices were often used to reduce stress and maintain overall body balance.

Application of compresses:

Some people have resorted to using warm or cold compresses on the thyroid area with the hope of improving its functioning. This method has also been used to alleviate inflammation.

Diet and nutrient restriction:

In some cultures, traditional diet has been considered an important factor in maintaining thyroid health. For example, avoiding certain foods such as cabbage, peppers, and radishes was considered a positive step.


Although thyroid treatments in the olden days may have seemed primitive to today’s man, some of them had scientific validity. Modern medicine recognizes the importance of iodine, herbs, and a healthy lifestyle in maintaining thyroid health. The intervention of trained professionals and the use of modern treatments these days provide a more effective approach to taking care of thyroid health.


local_offerevent_note December 26, 2023

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