In order not to provoke a pancreatic attack, it is important to remember the factors that negatively affect the condition of the pancreas.

The abundance of fatty foods, alcohol does not in the best way affect the work of the pancreas. But our well-being depends on how functionally stable it is. In order not to provoke a pancreatic attack, it is important to remember the factors that negatively affect the condition of the pancreas. And in case of development of pain syndrome, immediately undergo an examination to diagnose pancreatitis.

Why does the pancreas hurt?

Bad habits – smoking, zloupotrbelenie alcohol, unbalanced diet can lead to the development of pancreatitis – inflammation of the pancreas. Moreover, both women and men suffer from chronic pancreatitis. Recently, the number of cases of pancreatitis has increased in adolescents. Perhaps this is due to the spread of fast food and early smoking. Also, the main prerequisites for the disease, in 90% of patients, are obesity and low physical activity.

Consequences of pancreatitis

– a decrease in the production of digestive enzymes;

– a decrease in the production of insulin, which in 75% of cases causes the development of type II diabetes mellitus.

Pancreatitis symptoms:

– Severe pain in the upper abdomen, in the left hypochondrium or girdle. It intensifies after eating, is not stopped by antispasmodics;

– diarrhea, frequent bowel movements (3-5 times a day);

– loss of appetite, dry mouth;

– weight loss;

– syndrome of bacterial overgrowth (rumbling in the abdomen, belching, flatulence);

First aid for pancreatitis

With an exacerbation of the disease, a person should be urgently hospitalized, since the risk of death is quite possible. In the acute period, it is recommended:

1.apply cold to the pancreas area;
2. to provide peace;
3. Do not take pancreatic enzymes, this may worsen the condition.


Lush, shiny hair is an indicator of health and beauty. Many women and men, when they notice that their hair has thinned, begin to make attempts to prevent this process, but to no avail. And that’s why.

Some people use “grandmother’s recipes” for this – mustard masks, hot pepper tincture, gelatin masks. As a rule, they have no effect. Others buy expensive hair loss lotions at the pharmacy. Alas, not in all cases a pharmacy employee can give professional advice and choose the right product.

Therefore, in order not to waste precious time and not to lose a luxurious head of hair, you need to start with a visit to the trichologist and laboratory tests that will help identify the cause of the loss. After all, baldness is a purely medical problem, and not cosmetic, as many believe.

Why is there less hair?

There are plenty of reasons for hair loss. Most often these include:

  •                       diseases of the scalp, manifested in the form of itching, redness;
  •                       stress;
  •                       hormonal disorders;
  •                       lack of iron, vitamins;

Often, hair begins to fall out after suffering a “cold” while taking antibacterial drugs, in general while taking medications (hormones, antidepressants, antihypertensive drugs). In women, hair loss can occur during pregnancy, after childbirth.

Permanent perms, dyeing, the use of thermal devices (pulling irons, hair dryers), as well as a large number of styling products, aggressively affect the hair, hair follicles and scalp .

But external influences are not always the cause of hair loss. Most often, baldness is associated with a hereditary predisposition of hair follicles to the action of the hormone dihydrotestosterone .

 How to determine the cause of the loss: research

Dihydrotestosterone causes hair loss in both men and women. Therefore, in order to exclude this reason, it is recommended to perform a study in “CITILAB” 32-20-011 – Dihydrotestosterone . After that, if there are problems, the doctor will be able to prescribe hormonal treatment. Started in the early stages, it helps to effectively stop the process and does not lose the bulk of the hair.

But DHT is not the only culprit in hair loss. This is also possible in hypothyroidism, when the production of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) increases . Therefore, it will be useful to donate blood and perform a sensitive analysis (thyroid-stimulating hormone).

It is also recommended to check the level of iron, the lack of which can cause malnutrition of the hair follicles and hair loss and related parameters. For example, to identify the level of deposited iron by the amount of ferritin and to determine the iron-binding capacity of blood serum.


The gluten-free diet has been especially popular over the past few years . There are tons of products on the shelves labeled ” gluten-free ” and they are quite expensive.

Many are convinced that avoiding gluten- containing foods helps to lose weight, maintain health and youth, and improves the functioning of the digestive system. Moreover, some people not only follow such a diet themselves, but also teach children to refuse products containing gluten . Is it really that useful and necessary?

Doctors believe that it is not necessary for everyone to exclude gluten-containing foods from the diet. But there is a group of people who need a diet for medical reasons. These are patients suffering from celiac disease .

Disease or Marketing?

Celiac disease ( gluten enteropathy ) is a specific, genetically determined disease. It occurs as a result of damage to the villi of the small intestine by gluten , leading to indigestion. Gluten or gluten is a group of proteins found in almost all cereals except oats. Most of all gluten is found in bread, pasta.

The disease usually manifests itself in childhood, when various cereal dishes (cereals, bread, drying, cookies) are introduced into the baby’s complementary foods. However, it can be hidden for a long time, and it is in this case that the risk of developing autoimmune diseases, cancerous tumors, and anemia increases.

According to statistics, one in 300 people suffers from celiac disease : not so little, given the number of people in megacities. Treatment for celiac disease is based on a life – long gluten-free diet that relieves the condition within two weeks of onset.

Some doctors – neurologists, cardiologists are inclined to believe that healthy people should also give up gluten in order to reduce the risk of developing serious diseases (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s). It is important to understand that if there is no medical indication for a gluten-free diet, you are deliberately depriving yourself of the vital B vitamins, vitamin D, magnesium and iron. Deficiency of these substances leads to the development of severe disorders in the body.


local_offerevent_note August 7, 2020

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