How an increase in the thyroid affects the sex drive

Diseases of the thyroid gland lead to the fact that metabolic processes are violated in the human body, failures occur in the work of the CCC and the nervous system. The increase in thyroid cancer


Diseases of the thyroid gland lead to the fact that metabolic processes are violated in the human body, failures occur in the work of the CCC and the nervous system. The increase in thyroid cancer

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Breast Cancer and Thyroid Disease: Is there a connection?

According to the results of a new clinical study, a high concentration in the body of thyroid hormones increases the risk of developing malignant breast growth in female representatives. It has long been known that


According to the results of a new clinical study, a high concentration in the body of thyroid hormones increases the risk of developing malignant breast growth in female representatives. It has long been known that

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Do I need to remove nodes in the thyroid?

Diseases of the thyroid gland are among the most common pathologies. Nodules in the thyroid gland – removed? Among all diseases of the endocrine organs, they take second place after diabetes. Particularly alarming for patients


Diseases of the thyroid gland are among the most common pathologies. Nodules in the thyroid gland – removed? Among all diseases of the endocrine organs, they take second place after diabetes. Particularly alarming for patients

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Thyroid disease can lead to mental disorders

American psychiatrists concluded that an abnormal level of thyroid hormones in the blood can contribute to the development of depression, anxiety and psychiatric diseases, writes The New York Times. According to Russell Joffe, a psychiatrist


American psychiatrists concluded that an abnormal level of thyroid hormones in the blood can contribute to the development of depression, anxiety and psychiatric diseases, writes The New York Times. According to Russell Joffe, a psychiatrist

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