According to the World Health Organization (WHO), thyroid diseases rank second after diabetes mellitus among endocrine disorders. In Russia, thyroid diseases in women are 10-17 times more common than in men. Moreover, in men, they are


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), thyroid diseases rank second after diabetes mellitus among endocrine disorders. In Russia, thyroid diseases in women are 10-17 times more common than in men. Moreover, in men, they are

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Hypothyroidism and pregnancy

At the stage of planning pregnancy with hypothyroidism, it is necessary to determine the concentration of TSH, if necessary, adjust and bring to normal (less than 2.5). As soon as pregnancy is confirmed, the dosage of levothyroxine preparations


At the stage of planning pregnancy with hypothyroidism, it is necessary to determine the concentration of TSH, if necessary, adjust and bring to normal (less than 2.5). As soon as pregnancy is confirmed, the dosage of levothyroxine preparations

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Iodine deficiency during pregnancy If there is enough iodine in food, then it is not necessary to prescribe medications in the form of Iodomarin during pregnancy. But living in endemic areas involves the appointment of iodine preparations at the planning


Iodine deficiency during pregnancy If there is enough iodine in food, then it is not necessary to prescribe medications in the form of Iodomarin during pregnancy. But living in endemic areas involves the appointment of iodine preparations at the planning

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Ultrasound of the thyroid gland during pregnancy

The superficial location of the thyroid gland allows you to examine the organ with your hands. Ultrasound of the thyroid gland during pregnancy can be done, but the study does not make sense without determining TSH,


The superficial location of the thyroid gland allows you to examine the organ with your hands. Ultrasound of the thyroid gland during pregnancy can be done, but the study does not make sense without determining TSH,

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Regulation of thyroid function

Norm variant: If thyroid hormones allocates a sufficient number of T ₃ and T ₄ , the pituitary determines their concentration as normal and allocates the number of stimulating hormone TSH, which will be sufficient to maintain a stable


Norm variant: If thyroid hormones allocates a sufficient number of T ₃ and T ₄ , the pituitary determines their concentration as normal and allocates the number of stimulating hormone TSH, which will be sufficient to maintain a stable

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How does the thyroid gland affect pregnancy?

During pregnancy, changes occur throughout the body, but one of the most important organs in pregnancy is the thyroid gland, of course, after the reproductive system. Although their functions are closely related to the correct development


During pregnancy, changes occur throughout the body, but one of the most important organs in pregnancy is the thyroid gland, of course, after the reproductive system. Although their functions are closely related to the correct development

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Thyrotoxicosis symptoms in women treatment

Thyrotoxicosis of the thyroid gland – what is it? Symptoms, causes and treatment   Symptoms of thyrotoxicosis in women are manifested in disruptions in the digestion and nervous system. Thyrotoxicosis (or hyperthyroidism) is an increased activity of the


Thyrotoxicosis of the thyroid gland – what is it? Symptoms, causes and treatment   Symptoms of thyrotoxicosis in women are manifested in disruptions in the digestion and nervous system. Thyrotoxicosis (or hyperthyroidism) is an increased activity of the

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NB. More detailed information about the endocrine glands can be found in the article “Endocrine system. Norm and pathology “, and about the thyroid gland – in the material” Thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism Hyperthyroidism “.  According to the tradition established


NB. More detailed information about the endocrine glands can be found in the article “Endocrine system. Norm and pathology “, and about the thyroid gland – in the material” Thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism Hyperthyroidism “.  According to the tradition established

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