

Corticoestroma is a hormone-active tumor of the adrenal cortex, originating from the reticular and tuft zones, excessively excreting estrogens, and in some cases, glucocorticoids and characterized by feminization syndrome, and sometimes symptoms inherent in Itsenko-Cushing disease. The disease is very rare and occurs in men.
Etiology, The cause of the disease is unknown.

Pathogenesis. The pathogenesis of the corticoestroma is mainly due to excess production of estrogens, and in some cases, glucocorticothoids.
Pathological anatomy. A pathoanatomical study reveals a tumor emanating from the cells of the reticular and puchal zones of the adrenal cortex.

Clinic. In men, the mammary glands increase (gineco mastic), redistribution of subcutaneous fat occurs over the female type, the growth of facial hair stops, the timbre of the voice increases, and the potency decreases, even to its loss. In some cases, with corticoestra, along with gynecomastia, symptoms characteristic of Itsenko-Cushing’s disease develop, which is caused by hyperproduction of glucocorticoid tumors.
Laboratory data. There is an increased urinary estrogen, and in some cases, 17-CU and glucocorticoid metabolites (17-ACS).

Radioisotope diagnosis of the adrenal glands. Radiodiagnosis. On the scintigraphy and radiograph, one-sided adrenal tumor is detected.
Diagnosis. The main importance when making a diagnosis of cortico estromas are data of radioisotope diagnosis and X-ray diagnosis of the adrenal glands and high excretion of estrogen in the urine.
Forecast. With early diagnosis and timely surgical treatment, the prognosis can be favorable.
Treatment. Treatment is only operative – removal of the tumor over the kidney. With the development of acute insufficiency of the adrenal cortex, treatment is carried out similar to the treatment of addisonic cruise.

local_offerevent_note January 2, 2019

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