Equally Evil: Is Vaping Better Than Smoking? 

ELECTRONIC CIGARETTES AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON HEALTH has been an actively discussed topic for several years now. And this is understandable: designed to reduce the risks associated with smoking, devices too quickly became popular among the category of people who did not have such risks –


ELECTRONIC CIGARETTES AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON HEALTH has been an actively discussed topic for several years now. And this is understandable: designed to reduce the risks associated with smoking, devices too quickly became popular among the category of people who did not have such risks –

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Dancing and Cleaning: How to stay active in the summer at home

Most of us are now quarantined to one degree or another – even where there are fewer official bans, people are rightly afraid to spend a lot of time outside the home. Gyms, swimming pools and stadiums are closed,


Most of us are now quarantined to one degree or another – even where there are fewer official bans, people are rightly afraid to spend a lot of time outside the home. Gyms, swimming pools and stadiums are closed,

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White people in white coats: How racism works in world medicine

THE SECOND WAVE OF BLACK LIVES MATTER – sparked by new high-profile cases of police brutality against African Americans – has been joined by people from all walks of life . Yesterday we wrote about the protest of athletes


THE SECOND WAVE OF BLACK LIVES MATTER – sparked by new high-profile cases of police brutality against African Americans – has been joined by people from all walks of life . Yesterday we wrote about the protest of athletes

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Study: childhood sex education makes adulthood more comfortable and healthy

The pharmaceutical company Gedeon Richter and VTsIOM presented the results of a study in which they interviewed Russian women aged 18 to 45 about the importance of sex education for children. Among them, more than half acquired knowledge of puberty during childhood . The majority of women surveyed (93%)


The pharmaceutical company Gedeon Richter and VTsIOM presented the results of a study in which they interviewed Russian women aged 18 to 45 about the importance of sex education for children. Among them, more than half acquired knowledge of puberty during childhood . The majority of women surveyed (93%)

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“I Was Disgusted in My Body”: How I Live With an Eating Disorder

EATING DISORDER, OR ERI, is a medical condition traditionally underestimated in severity. According to statistics , one person in the world dies from RPE every hour, and women account for 90 percent of all cases. Anorexia nervosa has the highest mortality


EATING DISORDER, OR ERI, is a medical condition traditionally underestimated in severity. According to statistics , one person in the world dies from RPE every hour, and women account for 90 percent of all cases. Anorexia nervosa has the highest mortality

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What You Need to Know About the Placebo Effect: Why It Works

PLACEBO IS HUNDREDS OF YEARS and is one of the most well-studied methods in the history of medicine. How did it happen? Perhaps because even Plato suggested treating headaches with some kind of “medicine” (nothing to do with modern drugs, of course), complete with a “spell”, without which it


PLACEBO IS HUNDREDS OF YEARS and is one of the most well-studied methods in the history of medicine. How did it happen? Perhaps because even Plato suggested treating headaches with some kind of “medicine” (nothing to do with modern drugs, of course), complete with a “spell”, without which it

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8 myths about the female body and brain, which is time to stop believing

WOMEN ARE SAYING MORE EMOTIONAL AND COMMONABLE, but more prone to depression. And also – that women are not very well versed in space, but they can do several things at once. They react worse, but see the disorder better. And in general the weaker sex. On the eve of the day


WOMEN ARE SAYING MORE EMOTIONAL AND COMMONABLE, but more prone to depression. And also – that women are not very well versed in space, but they can do several things at once. They react worse, but see the disorder better. And in general the weaker sex. On the eve of the day

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L’esperto britannico ha trovato un modo semplice per rallentare l’invecchiamento

L’esperto britannico Nicky Vibrow ha spiegato come mantenere la giovinezza e mantenere l’equilibrio idrico nel corpo. È, infatti, più che conveniente. Perché stiamo invecchiando? Durante la vita, i processi chimici avvengono nelle nostre cellule, di conseguenza i radicali vengono


L’esperto britannico Nicky Vibrow ha spiegato come mantenere la giovinezza e mantenere l’equilibrio idrico nel corpo. È, infatti, più che conveniente. Perché stiamo invecchiando? Durante la vita, i processi chimici avvengono nelle nostre cellule, di conseguenza i radicali vengono

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