Laser vision correction

Rightly believing that information can be useful to many residents of the Internet and habr in particular, I can not help but share my successful (at the moment, after about two weeks, I can only judge this) experience of going through the above procedure, namely, laser vision correction.

The last * twenty years have passed for me under the sign of progressive myopia, which eventually stopped at the level of -6.25 / -6.25, and once I got tired of all this: tired of trying to find glasses by touch in the morning; tired of regularly putting on / taking off lenses; tired of buying them regularly. Well, and, of course, tired of being an eternal bespectacled person in the eyes of others, where without it.

Through the Internet and my wife with a medical education, the best clinic of a similar profile in the country of my residence was found – “Department of Ophthalmology at the University named after Sun Yat Sen “in Guangzhou / China , the price tag for such procedures in which (~ $ 1700) is one and a half to two times higher than the national average, which, of course, is not without reason: given the quality of technical equipment and personnel, among which professors and others with 20+ years of ophthalmological practice prevail, one of which is the first to carry out laser correction in the country and, as a consequence, the safety, comfort and quality arising from all this, such an overestimate is quite justified, in my opinion … In short: from a call asking “when can I come to you” to, directly, the operation, something about a week passed, if my memory serves me right: on the first day, a standard test of visual acuity and fundus was carried out and something there still, on the third – a check is already directly on the possibility of correction and, if it is still possible, by what method (to my surprise, there are several of them. But here I just said “make me sa-a-amy the best suitable one and I will be happy ”, so I didn’t have to think long about the choice), and on the fifth or sixth (sorry, I don’t remember exactly), in fact, everything was done. More details about the most interesting, namely about the process. In the morning of D-day, through a thick mechanized door, which opens by means of rfid-identification of an approaching nurse, you find yourself in the “dressing room” of the operating room, in which, with the help of the same nurse, you put on a kind of green robe and a plastic hat over your clothes. Having put on, through the second same door you find yourself in the preparation room, where five more volunteers are sitting and nervous in complete silence. Only then I realized that this was done, for sure, on purpose, because you see what will happen to you even before you try it personally, as well as the fact that it is completely fearless and painless. In this room, you will be prepared for further actions: they will thoroughly wash your eyes and drip it with anesthetic drops about four times, and then lead you (through another thick automatic door) into the operating room itself, sparkling with whiteness, where you will be offered to lie down on a couch under a large and terrible apparatus. A couple more drops of anesthesia and let’s get started: all you need is to lie still and try not to move your eyes (however, random movements are not scary, because the position of the eye is monitored by the equipment with a frequency of> 9000 times per second). Look at the red dot. The surgeon presses something hard for a short time on the eye, except for pressure, absolutely nothing is felt. The green laser (which just looks like a flash) turns on, accompanied by pounding and clicking sounds and smells like burnt hair. A minute later, the first eye is finished and the same is repeated with the second. The entire procedure from start to finish is no more than 5 minutes. You get up from the couch, your eyes are covered with plates with holes and they are politely escorted home with a request to come in tomorrow morning. By the way, through the holes you can already perfectly and clearly see the world around you and start to rejoice and communicate with those who came for consultations about how cool it is and in general 🙂 But … But after that half an hour the anesthesia effect passes and a uniform disgrace begins – I called it an hour and a half hell: the wildest pain / sting in the eyes, accompanied by salty tears that cannot be wiped off (remember the plates, I only later realized that they were stuck on purposely so that there was no temptation to rub your eyes) … It’s good that I had a hotel booked across the road, having shuttered the windows, taking a couple of anesthetic pills and fanning my face with a “fan” from improvised means, I managed to survive it and fall asleep (at lunchtime), and by the evening I was already in full swing describing my adventures on Skype and asechs from a mobile android to my friends , since the holes in the plates are not hinder. In the morning of the next day, all those who operated on the day before come to the removal of the records and share their impressions with those who are just waiting for their turn. Plates – put on at night for the next week. Drip several types of drops. A week later – for verification. And that’s all. Hello my new eyes. From the post-effects, there is now a kind of rather strong “blur” around direct light sources, which, as they say, will fade away within six months. But even if it doesn’t work, it’s immeasurably better than what was described in one of the first paragraphs of this post.

local_offerevent_note November 14, 2020

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