Male menopause

Male menopause – normal physiological condition
due to age-related reorganization of the neuroendo-
Crinic relationships in the system of the hypothalamus – pituitary –
gonads, with the extinction of the activity of the sex glands. Climacteri
chesky neurosis – a state of the body due to pathologists
age-related changes in the centers of the hypothalamus and
cardiovascular, neuropsychiatric, urogenital and endocrine disorders.
Male menopause usually occurs at the age of 45-60 years.
Climacteric neurosis occurs only in 1 0 – 2 0%.
Etiology and pathogenesis. Etiology and pathogenesis of menopause
associated with age-related reorganization of neuroendocrine interactions
relations in the system of the hypothalamus – pituitary – gonad with extinction
the activity of the gonads.

Pathological anatomy. Histologically with testicular biopsy
men after 60 years usually show a decrease in the number
interstitial glandulocytes of the testicle (Leydig cells),
lumen of seminiferous tubules. In some cases, the testicles are marked
atrophic changes with the development of sclerosis. Spermatogenesis
usually kept to old age.
Clinic. Menopause in men comes much slower
than women, and is usually characterized only by weakening of sexual potency. The sexual inclination more often weakens, less often it turns out.

Menopausal neurosis in men has less clear clinical picture than women. Cardiovascular changes distal system can manifest pain in the heart, palpitations, attacks of paroxysmal tachycardia, nered transient hypertension, up to permanent hypertension, Hot flushes to the head, sweating, paresthesias, etc.
Neuropsychiatric disorders characterized by irritant, crying, memory loss, unreasonable
Hami, depression, sometimes psychosis. Urogenital changes systems are manifested in the form of weakening potency, violation urination (dull pain in the bladder, difficulty starting urination). These symptoms bind in mostly with bladder weakness due to a decrease in its tone and change in the functional-morphological state

Prostate gland.
Testosterone levels are reduced in the blood. There is a decrease in urinary excretion 17-KS and
testosterone, an increase in the number of pathological forms of spermatozoa
It reduces the level of fructose in seminal fluid. Crystal lizisation of prostate secretion (in young healthy men like a leaf of fern) broken, more pronounced This disorder is noted during climacteric neurosis. (V. A. Vartapetov, A. N. Demchenko). Diagnosis and differential diagnosis. Male diagnosis
menopause is established on the basis of anamnesis (reduction of 45-60 years old) and laboratory data. When fasting diagnosis of male climacteric neurosis along with clinical symptoms take into account the effectiveness of treatment preparations of male sex hormones. Male menopause chesky neurosis differentiated from various forms of neurosis and age-related changes in body systems. Forecast. The prognosis for life is favorable. Treatment. Prescribing fortifying treatment (correct mode of work and rest, balanced diet, physiotherapy medical procedures – hydrotherapy, etc., physical therapy, vitamins of group B, C, A and E, biostimulants – aloe, apilak, phytin, ginseng, etc.). To improve the trophic function tions of the nervous system administered intramuscularly novocaine (2% a solution of 5 ml 3 times a week, for a course of 10-15 injections, the first injection – 2 ml. To normalize cortical neurodynamics apply sedatives and neuroleptics (drugs bromine, aminazine, trioxazin, elenium, reserpine, etc.), with I’m in vegetodistonii vegetotropic drugs (belloid, akliman and others.). To eliminate hormonal imbalances, drugs of male sex hormones under control state of the prostate gland (a course of treatment, according to V.G. Bara-
397 new, 2 months) – intramuscularly testosterone propionate 10, 15 or 25 mg 2 – 3 times a week for 4 weeks followed by reducing the dose of the drug to half over the next of the month. Methyltestosterone is used (5–10 mg 3 times a day sublingually in the first month with a dose reduction of 2 times a next month), testobromolecite sublingually 1 tablet (1 tablet contains 5 mg of methyltestosterone, 100 mg of the bromural and 50 mg of lecithin) 2 – 3 times a day, etc. When exchangeable shenia

local_offerevent_note November 3, 2018

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