Study: childhood sex education makes adulthood more comfortable and healthy

The pharmaceutical company Gedeon Richter and VTsIOM presented the results of a study in which they interviewed Russian women aged 18 to 45 about the importance of sex education for children. Among them, more than half acquired knowledge of puberty during childhood . The majority of women surveyed (93%)


The pharmaceutical company Gedeon Richter and VTsIOM presented the results of a study in which they interviewed Russian women aged 18 to 45 about the importance of sex education for children. Among them, more than half acquired knowledge of puberty during childhood . The majority of women surveyed (93%)

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What You Need to Know About the Placebo Effect: Why It Works

PLACEBO IS HUNDREDS OF YEARS and is one of the most well-studied methods in the history of medicine. How did it happen? Perhaps because even Plato suggested treating headaches with some kind of “medicine” (nothing to do with modern drugs, of course), complete with a “spell”, without which it


PLACEBO IS HUNDREDS OF YEARS and is one of the most well-studied methods in the history of medicine. How did it happen? Perhaps because even Plato suggested treating headaches with some kind of “medicine” (nothing to do with modern drugs, of course), complete with a “spell”, without which it

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8 myths about the female body and brain, which is time to stop believing

WOMEN ARE SAYING MORE EMOTIONAL AND COMMONABLE, but more prone to depression. And also – that women are not very well versed in space, but they can do several things at once. They react worse, but see the disorder better. And in general the weaker sex. On the eve of the day


WOMEN ARE SAYING MORE EMOTIONAL AND COMMONABLE, but more prone to depression. And also – that women are not very well versed in space, but they can do several things at once. They react worse, but see the disorder better. And in general the weaker sex. On the eve of the day

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L’esperto britannico ha trovato un modo semplice per rallentare l’invecchiamento

L’esperto britannico Nicky Vibrow ha spiegato come mantenere la giovinezza e mantenere l’equilibrio idrico nel corpo. È, infatti, più che conveniente. Perché stiamo invecchiando? Durante la vita, i processi chimici avvengono nelle nostre cellule, di conseguenza i radicali vengono


L’esperto britannico Nicky Vibrow ha spiegato come mantenere la giovinezza e mantenere l’equilibrio idrico nel corpo. È, infatti, più che conveniente. Perché stiamo invecchiando? Durante la vita, i processi chimici avvengono nelle nostre cellule, di conseguenza i radicali vengono

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La meditazione può curare cinque problemi di salute

La meditazione può sbarazzarsi di vari problemi di salute, poiché dà a una persona rilassamento, concentrazione e consapevolezza, scrive Medicforum . Fatica. La meditazione può ridurre il costo per l’acquisto di sedativi o per andare dal terapista se


La meditazione può sbarazzarsi di vari problemi di salute, poiché dà a una persona rilassamento, concentrazione e consapevolezza, scrive Medicforum . Fatica. La meditazione può ridurre il costo per l’acquisto di sedativi o per andare dal terapista se

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Nominati cibi sani che possono distruggere le articolazioni

Ci sono una serie di alimenti che possono danneggiare la cartilagine e le ossa, avvertono gli esperti. Gli esperti notano che la malnutrizione è una delle ragioni principali per lo sviluppo dell’artrosi negli esseri umani. Prima


Ci sono una serie di alimenti che possono danneggiare la cartilagine e le ossa, avvertono gli esperti. Gli esperti notano che la malnutrizione è una delle ragioni principali per lo sviluppo dell’artrosi negli esseri umani. Prima

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7 “classic” psychosomatic disorders

Concerning the question: do psychosomatic disorders exist at all, there is great confusion. Even among specialists. Psychotherapist Denis Fedoryaka wrote a text especially for Zozhnik about how psyche and physiology are interconnected from the point of view of modern scientific thought. The problem is mixing everything


Concerning the question: do psychosomatic disorders exist at all, there is great confusion. Even among specialists. Psychotherapist Denis Fedoryaka wrote a text especially for Zozhnik about how psyche and physiology are interconnected from the point of view of modern scientific thought. The problem is mixing everything

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3 scientific truths about motivation

At the end of March 2020, Alpina publishes the book Your Source of Motivation: How to Want to Do What You Need to Do. Posted by Susan Fowler is a recognized global expert in employee motivation. With permission from the


At the end of March 2020, Alpina publishes the book Your Source of Motivation: How to Want to Do What You Need to Do. Posted by Susan Fowler is a recognized global expert in employee motivation. With permission from the

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The benefits of preservatives in our food

“Our product without preservatives” – proudly flaunts on every second package in the supermarket. As a food technologist and chemist, I always think: “Well, well, we found something to be proud of.” Let’s look at preservatives


“Our product without preservatives” – proudly flaunts on every second package in the supermarket. As a food technologist and chemist, I always think: “Well, well, we found something to be proud of.” Let’s look at preservatives

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Simple truths in relationships

A successful relationship between a man and a woman is a long and hard work that always depends on everyone in the couple. So remember. or rather, write down these simple truths that will help you make


A successful relationship between a man and a woman is a long and hard work that always depends on everyone in the couple. So remember. or rather, write down these simple truths that will help you make

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