Causes of human diseases

Today’s medicine does not fight diseases. She skillfully fights to ensure that people are treated all the time, until their last ruble or until their last breath, if the insurance company or the state pays for treatment …
Nikolai Levashov

Fragments from the book “The Last Appeal to Mankind”

Each person during his life was sick more or less times … But, what is the nature of these diseases? What happens in the body during illness? What mechanisms are included and why? These and many other questions arise for everyone who wants and tries to understand, what, after all, is this – a disease? .. First, let’s try to determine what types of diseases can be distinguished:

1) genetic diseases that a person receives through the genes of their parents.

2) acquired diseases that a person received during his life.

3) environmental diseases, which are associated with the negative effect of the external environmental environment.

4) karmic diseases, i.e. brought by the essence of the disease.

The cause of genetic diseases is simple and does not require explanations. The most rich in diversity are acquired diseases, therefore, we will consider them in more detail. There are several main qualitative stages of development of these diseases:

a) getting into the body of an infection, and its development in the body.

b) protective, immune reaction of the organism (active phase of the disease).

c) the isolation of the pathogen (s) diseases of toxins and slags of their vital activity in the human body.

d) a change in the organic structure of the affected organs and systems.

And now, in detail we will consider the mechanism of development of the disease in the human body. When an infection enters the human body – the causative agent of the disease – at first, while these “invaders” are few, the body practically does not react to it at all. Because, for the reaction of the body, a certain concentration of one or another poison is necessary, which is the product of the vital activity of these organisms. Therefore, at the beginning of the development of the disease, the infection develops practically without any resistance from the human body. The so-called incubation phase flows, the first stage of the development of the disease. And only when the developing pathogens of the disease, all together, will release into the human blood a certain dose of toxins, which the brain can already detect, the protective mechanisms of the body are activated. The human immune system is trying to destroy the “aggressors”.

The first, active protective reaction is the increase in temperature in the human body. The fact is that most pathogens do not tolerate elevated temperature and die at 39 … 40 ° Celsius. Therefore, the body, while not yet knowing the “enemy in person”, deals a thermal blow to the aggressor … And it is completely erroneous to approach when trying to knock down the slightest increase in temperature with medicines.

The need to suppress body temperature arises only in the following cases:

a) when the temperature rises to a critical value, of the order of 42 ° C, at which proteins begin to fold. This is especially important for blood proteins – fibrinogen. If this protein begins to coagulate, an insoluble compound – fibrin – arises, thrombi form which can lead to death.

b) when the human body is not able to tolerate a rise in body temperature.

In all other cases, the active temperature reaction speaks only of the powerful protective reaction of the given organism. While the infection tries to recover from the thermal shock of the body, the latter, when studying the enemy, begins to develop antibodies that try to destroy the “aggressors” themselves. The protective function is also performed by phagocytes – white blood cells, which, while absorbing the causative agents of the disease, perish themselves, forming pus, the large concentration of which, in turn, also negatively affects the human body. The causative agents of the disease adapt to new, unfavorable conditions for them, which create the body in the fight. The infection begins to change, mutate in order to somehow continue its development. After all, for her, this is also a matter of life and death – if she is unable to adapt, she is dying. The human body is for her, as a necessary environment for living, living. So begins the “competition” of the body and infection: who can quickly adapt – he wins …

In most cases, an infection that has a much simpler organization changes more rapidly than the protective reaction of the human immune system. Let’s try to understand why this is happening. The fact is that, at the first moment of incorporating protective mechanisms, the immune system that has accumulated potential creates a maximum protective surge in its power. But the immune system can not endlessly be in this active state, when the body expends a huge amount of energy. The exhausted immune system, after a while, turns off to restore its potential and for rest.

But to fully restore the immune system, time is needed. During the period of restoration of the potential of the immune system, the body does not fight infection, which begins to actively develop again, much faster than the human immune system is restored. As soon as the dose of toxins released by the infection exceeds the permissible level, the human brain again turns on the body’s immune system and often it occurs earlier than it is able to restore its potential to normal. Thus, the immune system is activated earlier, at time t1 and its burst, naturally, will be less than the original Jmax. And this continues until the immune system of the body is exhausted, and its splash has no serious effect on the development of infection can not.

This concludes the first, active phase of the development of the W1 disease and begins the second phase of the chronic development of the W2 disease. At the same time, not only the nature of the body’s immune response changes, but many other fundamental changes in the body also occur. In order to understand what kind of changes are taking place, let us first analyze how the human brain coordinates and controls the functions and activity of each organ and body system.

The human brain has sections of the cortex which coordinate and control the functions and work of each organ or system in the interests of the whole organism as a whole. In this case, each zone of the cortex generates its nerve signals for this control. Through the processes of the neurons of this zone – the axons – the signals enter the reticular formation of the brain, into the so-called primitive brain and, through it, are transmitted to the corresponding zone of the spinal cord and then to the sympathetic nerve node of the autonomic nervous system of the organism. According to the sympathetic nerve, the control signal reaches the organ, for example, the pancreas, and causes the necessary activation of its functions. During the operation of the organ, the receptors of the nerves of the parasympathetic system are excited, and the resulting signals pass through the parasympathetic nerves and excite the corresponding zones of the spinal cord.

Spinal nerves send signals to the reticular formation, where these signals are compared with the reference ones, corresponding to the normal work of the organ, signals. If everything is in order, the brain continues to work in the same mode. But if the signal for one reason or another is more or less than the reference signal, the nerve signal with the amplitude of the difference between the reference and incoming signal enters the corresponding area of ​​the cerebral cortex. This changes both the structure and amplitude of the control signals. And this will happen until the system returns to the optimal state. If a change in the work of the body caused the causative agent of the disease to be affected, then an immune defense reaction is activated.

When the activity of the immune system is not able to significantly affect the development of the infection, and if this pathology does not lead to a very rapid death of the body as a whole, the following changes occur in the mechanism described above:

a) the brain takes this state of functioning of the organ of the body for a new norm, and already all the body systems are reconstructed so as to keep this new norm in a stable state, the main thing is that it should not be worse.

b) from this moment, the body does not react in any way to this, not exactly optimal for him, condition of the organ. And only when the infection tries to seize a new “bridgehead”, everything turns on again, and everything repeats. The disease goes into a chronic phase with periods of activation …

And now – about medicines. The principle of action of almost all medicines without exception is based on the fact that these poisons have a depressing effect on any living organism, both on the causative agent and on the human body itself. It is assumed that such poisons, quickly killing the causative agents of the disease, will only slightly damage the body … which, moreover, very quickly can return to normal. But, unfortunately, the infection, in order to survive, very quickly adapts to these poisons and already does not react to them.

What is done in this situation?!.

And in this situation, they simply begin to increase the strength of the poison and its concentration. And, as soon as the concentration of medicinal poisons becomes more than permissible, the body is no longer able to neutralize their effect on their organs and systems, the drug poisoning and destruction of the organism will begin. At the same time, as can be seen from the principle of the action of drugs, they in no way affect the mechanisms of brain control by the organs and systems of the body. For most drugs now known, the concentration that destroys the causative agent of the disease also has a destructive effect on the human body itself.

It is difficult to say which of these two evils is less …

Therefore, the era of drug treatment in medicine came to its logical conclusion. And we must pay tribute to the fact that very many diseases, their pathogens, have forever left human organisms …

Medicine needs to find or adopt other methods of combating diseases, such as are really able to help a person. One of these methods is the effect on another person of the other person’s biofields. With competent and correct influence, knowing the laws of development and functioning of the human body, it is possible not only to defeat the causative agent of the disease, but also to restore the normal functioning of the organ or system.

local_offerevent_note March 12, 2018

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