The presence of contradictory data in the study of genetic determination of arterial hypertension in diabetes mellitus can be explained by differences in the selection criteria and the formation of comparison groups, which to varying
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Drugs that increase blood pressure
The diagnosis of arterial hypertension is based on the average value of blood pressure, at least from 2 measurements obtained during the initial and repeated examinations of the patient. Blood pressure should be measured on both
The prognosis of a patient with diabetes mellitus and arterial hypertension is determined not only by the severity of blood pressure, but also by the risk factors . The clinical picture of hypertension is due to etiological
Used Handy small vessels
In recent years, the concept of “small vascular disease” has been distinguished, as causes of a decrease in coronary reserve and the appearance of myocardial ischemia, which is often observed with a combination of hypertension,
As in other areas of clinical medicine, success in treating patients with diabetes mellitus and arterial hypertension depends largely on how wisely the doctor and patient use the abilities to control the disease. Optimal metabolic
ACE inhibitors
The report of the 4th Joint National Committee on detection, evaluation and treatment of high blood pressure medication recommended to start with the destination of any of the diuretics Cove, adrenoblokatorov ( -blockers), Ca antagonists (calcium channel
Antianginal activity
The antianginal activity of drugs in this group is slightly lower than that of calcium antagonists. In some cases, there is evidence of the occurrence of myocardial ischemia by the mechanism of “stealing”. At the same time,
Angiotensin II receptor blockers
The newest class of antihypertensive drugs synthesized in the early 1990s. These compounds block the renin-angiotensin cascade on the periphery, acting directly in the location of the receptors, that is, in the vascular wall, and do
Diuretics have been used successfully for the treatment of hypertension since the mid-1950s. The exact mechanism of the hypotensive action of diuretics is unknown, despite the fact that they have been used for this purpose
Diuretics for hypertension
In patients with diabetes mellitus, diuretics in arterial hypertension are rarely used as monotherapy, more often in combination with drugs of the considered groups. Among the various classes of diuretics (thiazide, loop, potassium-saving, osmotic) it