In the study of lame som complex revealed a karyotype 46XY. Floor chrome Tin is negative. On the pneumogynecogram ovaries and uterus are absent. Detect testicles with localization more often in the external openings of


In the study of lame som complex revealed a karyotype 46XY. Floor chrome Tin is negative. On the pneumogynecogram ovaries and uterus are absent. Detect testicles with localization more often in the external openings of

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Obesity is a disease of the body, characterized by fat accumulation in subcutaneous tissue and tissue due to metabolic disorders. Obesity may be independent disease (normal or true – alimentar common obesity, constitutional hereditary obesity)


Obesity is a disease of the body, characterized by fat accumulation in subcutaneous tissue and tissue due to metabolic disorders. Obesity may be independent disease (normal or true – alimentar common obesity, constitutional hereditary obesity)

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The main pathogenetic role in the development of obesity plays a dysfunction of the cerebral cortex and the hypothalamus and first of all the nerve formations in posterior hypothalamus, which are part of the food


The main pathogenetic role in the development of obesity plays a dysfunction of the cerebral cortex and the hypothalamus and first of all the nerve formations in posterior hypothalamus, which are part of the food

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Graves’ disease and pregnancy

Graves’ disease and pregnancy It is difficult to manage women with Graves’ disease during pregnancy. In the event that Graves’ disease is detected before pregnancy, then there is a personal systematization of treatment taking into


Graves’ disease and pregnancy It is difficult to manage women with Graves’ disease during pregnancy. In the event that Graves’ disease is detected before pregnancy, then there is a personal systematization of treatment taking into

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Physiological tremor

This ailment can occur throughout the body and is an involuntary jitter or oscillation of a specific part of the body, triggered by synchronous or alternating muscle contractions. Below are several varieties of this ailment.


This ailment can occur throughout the body and is an involuntary jitter or oscillation of a specific part of the body, triggered by synchronous or alternating muscle contractions. Below are several varieties of this ailment.

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Tremor of the child’s hands

This ailment in a child up to a year can be caused by partial unformed centers of nerve endings, responsible for the actions of the body. Concentration in the blood of norepinephrine increases with the


This ailment in a child up to a year can be caused by partial unformed centers of nerve endings, responsible for the actions of the body. Concentration in the blood of norepinephrine increases with the

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Treatment of hand tremors

Trembling, shaking hands are frequent signs of various ailments, such as Parkinson’s disease, hepatolenticular degeneration, torsion dystonia, multiple sclerosis, liver cirrhosis, thyrotoxicosis, intoxication with drugs, metals, drugs, etc. How to treat tremors of the hands,


Trembling, shaking hands are frequent signs of various ailments, such as Parkinson’s disease, hepatolenticular degeneration, torsion dystonia, multiple sclerosis, liver cirrhosis, thyrotoxicosis, intoxication with drugs, metals, drugs, etc. How to treat tremors of the hands,

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Tremor of arms treatment at home.

For the first time, faced with such a phenomenon as tremor of hands, a person begins to worry and get nervous. This behavior can only strengthen shaking. It should be understood that jittering does not


For the first time, faced with such a phenomenon as tremor of hands, a person begins to worry and get nervous. This behavior can only strengthen shaking. It should be understood that jittering does not

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Diagnosis of nodal goiter

The primary diagnosis of nodular goiter is carried out by an endocrinologist by palpation of the thyroid gland. To confirm and clarify the nature of nodal education, the next stage is usually the ultrasound of


The primary diagnosis of nodular goiter is carried out by an endocrinologist by palpation of the thyroid gland. To confirm and clarify the nature of nodal education, the next stage is usually the ultrasound of

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Classification of nodular goiter (species and degrees)

Given the nature and origin of the following types of nodular goiter: euthyroid colloid proliferating, diffusive-nodal (mixed) goiter, benign and malignant tumor nodes (follicular thyroid adenoma, thyroid cancer). About 85-90% of the thyroid gland is


Given the nature and origin of the following types of nodular goiter: euthyroid colloid proliferating, diffusive-nodal (mixed) goiter, benign and malignant tumor nodes (follicular thyroid adenoma, thyroid cancer). About 85-90% of the thyroid gland is

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